
Black-Eyed Pea Strikes Back, 24″ x 24″, High-Flow Acrylic and Gold Leaf on Panel, 2017.
The Medium, 24″ x 24″, High-Flow Acrylic and Gold Leaf on Panel, 2017.
Questioning the Rule of Pythagorus, 24″ x 24″, High-Flow Acrylic with Gold Leaf on Panel, 2017.
The Page (Takes the King), 18″ x 24″, High-Flow Acrylic with Gold Leaf on Panel, 2017.
A Conversation with Dr. Mütter, 24″ x 24″, High-Flow Acrylic with Gold Leaf on Panel, 2017.
The Spector of Changing the Game, 24″ x 24″, High-Flow Acrylic with Gold Leaf on Panel, 2018.
Standing on the Shoulders of Eula Pearl, 24″ x 36″, High-Flow Acrylic and Gold Leaf on Panel, 2018.
Portrait of Olive, 24″ x 24″, High-Flow Acrylic and Gold Leaf on Panel, 2018.
Gemini Warrior, 16″ x 16″, 24″ x 36″, High-Flow Acrylic and Gold Leaf on Canvas, 2018.
Girl with Stars in Her Eyes, 12″ x 12″, High-Flow Acrylic and Gold Leaf on Panel, 2018.
Rough Rider, 24″ x 36″, High-Flow Acrylic and Gold Leaf on Panel, 2018.
Portrait of Ellie
Ellie, 24″ x 24″, High-Flow Acrylic and Gold Leaf on Board, 2019.